Sorry to keep wittering on about it, but Bandcamp is fast becoming THE way I buy music. I've still got my eMusic account at the moment, but if I got rid of it, I don't think I'd be any worse off for new music...
With that in mind, here are two relatively recent releases by lovely bass players.
The first is Julie Slick's self-titled album. Julie's one of the most amazing 24 year old bassists I've ever heard. Much could be made of her youth, except that the maturity of her writing and playing makes the focus pointless. She's just a remarkable musician. Listen, then download it if you dig it as much as I do:
The second recording is by Steven Guerrero - his new EP is marvellous. It's just bass + drums, 3 lovely tracks. I've been listening to Steven for a long time, and really enjoy hearing his music grow over time (his debut album, also on Bandcamp is excellent too - check that out.)