The music we played in the delivery room

Here's an exhaustive list of the music leading up to, during, and the 5 or 6 hours after Baby Flapjack was born. All completely awesome. 

Alan PasquaRussian Peasant
David Torn - Lars And The Real Girl (soundtrack) 
Tracy Chapman - Crossroads
(back to Lars And The Real Girl - was playing as he was born) 
Steve Lawson and LobeliaLive In Nebraska (I played it too him about half an hour after he was born)
Theo Travis/Robert Fripp - Thread
Rosie ThomasThese Friends Of Mine
Rob IckesRoad Song

Then this morning, we listed to Pat Metheny's 'One Quiet Night'. 

There you go - all brilliant natal and post-natal music. Highly, highly recommended. 

Here's a Spotify playlist of as much of this stuff as is on there...

...our live in Nebraska EP isn't on there, but it is here - 

Oh, and what's also a MUST for the delivery room if you want music is an Altec Lansing Orbit speaker - incredible quality sound from a tiny tiny speaker, connects direct to iPod, or anything else with a headphone out (I use it with my Nokia N97 around the house) - best gadget I've bought in YEARS.