The Fish Police - Pre-release Promo On Bandcamp.

Yesterday, Andrew Dubber (@Dubber) and I spent the day at The Albany In Deptford with the amazing people from Heart N Soul, talking about the music of The Fish Police - a band that formed through their artist training/mentoring work, and now have an album of amazing, bizarre, unique hip-hop that's currently being recorded/mixed/mastered. 

They were thinking towards a fairly traditional 'put it out on CD, get reviews and airplay, sell lots of CDs' approach, but we were there to talk about the potential of the social web to get people talking about, sharing and enjoying the music, without the need for big media mediators. The Fish Police's music is however, astonishingly media-friendly. Dean, the front man and creative heart of the band, has a whole alternative world of manga cartoons, club nights and food, with each song being a snapshot view into this world. 
Their website is and you can watch their promo vid below, then listen to 3 fab tracks, sneak previews from the album: 
here's the choonz: