Something To Read, Something To Hear, Something New To Discover

It's a Sunday afternoon, you're futzing around on the intewebz, the weather's OK, your feet are up, and life is good. You're just not sure what to do next. 

So, Here's three suggestions:

Something to Read: 

My novel! It's a fun Sunday afternoon read, not very taxing, and hopefully the tale of a band on the path to self-discovery is an uplifting one 

Something To Hear:

I've yet to try reading my own book while listening to my own music (that kind of self-immersion isn't healthy) but given the musical approach of the band, I'm guessing it would work - head over to the MP3s page on my blog, and listen to any of it, while reading. If you like it and want to keep it for ever and ever on your iPod or whatever, just click the download link and pay *anything* (or in some cases, if you wish, nothing) for it, and enjoy. Let me know how you get on. 

Something To Discover: 

So, you've already read my book, got the music, or tried both and found they weren't for you - no problem at all, the blog that you're reading this on is chock-full of recommendations for super smashing awesome things that I find on the internetz. So start at the top, and work your way through. LOADS of great new music to discover - some of it on Bandcamp so again, you can download it if you want to, some of it on Youtube, so if you like it you can search for the artist and find more of them, or follow a link-trail to thank them for being so awesome. Either way, it's a fun and deeply productive way to spend a sunday afternoon.