Now's the Time Orphy Robinson / Corey Mwamba

A friend on twitter alerted me to the existence of this video last night - it was filmed at a GREAT gig at Derby Dance Centre about 3 years ago. 

Playing with Orphy Robinson is, as I've said in the past, like playing with a supremely talented 8 year old. His sense of freedom, fun, mischief and abandonment in experimentation are really infectious and inspiring. He's also a great composer and arranger, but most of our playing together has been in improvised music formats. 

Corey Mwamba is someone I've played with only a few times, but who has the distinction of writing the hardest music I've ever played (at the London Jazz Festival a couple of years back, in a amazing band with Corey and I, Robert Mitchell, Deborah Jordan and Shaney Forbes) - he's a unique musician, writing beautifully complex and twisted music without much of an academic framework for him - it's both insanely complex and involved while also being utterly visceral, compelling music. 

The Derby gig was all improv, some of it insanely dissonant, viscous stuff and some funky and melodic. It went all over the place. I also remember doing a really cool solo improv in the middle of it, that I'd LOVE to hear again. I'll have to track down whoever made the film... 

Here it is, some great thoughts on music making from Orphy and Corey and some fun snippets of the three of us playing...