IWrestledABearOnce - Tastes Like Kevin Bacon

Bit of a leap from Jonatha Brooke to IWrestledABearOnce, but they're honestly one of my favourite bands I've heard this year. 

Extreme Metal is not a genre known for its humour or diversity, but IWABO are equal parts Meshuggah, Bjork and Frank Zappa. 

Insane musical skillz, ridiculous sense of humour, genuinely uncompromising extreme scary madness in the heavy bits of the music, and the sense that anything can happen at any moment.. it's a pretty heady mix. 

Be warned, if your idea of 'extreme' music ends somewhere near Metallica, this is probably not  going to be to your taste, but I loves it :) 

They're playing in London next week, I'm still working out if I can go or not... 

I got their album from eMusic, but it's available on Amazon and itunes as well... no Bandcamp or other download sales of their own, though this t-shirt is one of the coolest bits of merch I've seen in a long time :)