Getting to Number 2 in the charts and winning?

A few years back, the 'battle' for christmas number one involved a genuine indie phenomenon. A band that did house concerts, FFS! 

Yup, Nizlopi's JCB Song was 'real' grass-roots. And, perversely, it's success may have ended up killing the band... I don't know. 

Anyway, it got to number 2, was completely awesome, and wouldn't have been any less awesome if only 3 people had ever heard it. 

here's the gorgeous video for it: 

4 responses
Now THAT'S a Christmas #1 drive I could get behind! I love the lyrics. :)
Yes, but of course, that was back in the olden days before Facebook :)

On the good news front - I've heard some new Nizlopi and it wouldn't surprise me if they end up taking out a Christmas number 1 in the not too distant future.

looking forward to hearing that!
That's great - I'm gonna pull it up on the family computer so that the kids can see it. :)