Ben Walker - Troubadork

You know Ben Walker, right? He's the 'You're No-one If You're Not On Twitter' bloke - the bestest song ever written about social networks :) 

He's done gigs with Lo and I at Darbucka, and will be playing a Microgig in our front room before too long. He's fabulous, and has a brand new album out. 

If you were at the Darbucka gig, you'll recognise some of the songs. He's a master of catchy, funny, songs that stay on the right side of ridiculous. It's an inclusive kind of funny rather than a 'please make him stop' kind of funny. Very tough thing to do, he does it brilliantly. 

It's also a GREAT sounding record - if I was a singer/songwriter wanting help with recording, I'd be throwing money at Ben to get him to record my next album. 

Here's the album. it's available for free, but don't be an arse - pay him some good healthy moneys for it. If 100 people pay £2 for it, that's a decent day's pay for him for making the music. If they pay a fiver, that's enough for a week off work to make the next one. I gave him a fiver for it. It'd be well worth the money at double that. Just click the 'download' link below in the widget below.

And tell your friends about it - if you like his music, tweet about it - post a link to facebook, write a blog post, embed the player below. It's not hard, and it all helps to change the world order for musicians - recommendation is the single most valuable commodity in spreading the word. That's why I have this entire blog for telling you about awesome music. 

And this album is awesome. (current fave tune is 'Dressing Up' - it's what The Streets would sound like if he was really posh :) )">Box Junction Heart by Ben Walker">Box Junction Heart by Ben Walker